The stock overview page provides key indicators and a snapshot of a stock’s performance and potential, including metrics like day returns, DVM scores, Forecaster estimates, SWOT analysis, Buy/Sell Zone, Fundamentals, and Technicals.
The DVM scores combine Durability, Valuation, and Momentum, each reflecting a different aspect of a stock’s performance. A high DVM score suggests a more promising stock for investors.
Forecaster estimates provide a consensus target price from various analysts, reflecting their projected stock price.
SWOT Analysis assesses a stock's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Trendlyne’s built-in screeners are categorized into SWOT sections and reflected in the analysis.
In the Check before you buy section, the Trendlyne Checklist score is calculated based on financials and peer comparison, with each parameter equally weighted in the final score.
The Fundamental and Technicals section provides key metrics like market capitalization, P/E ratio, P/B ratio, RSI, Money Flow Index, and 1-month beta.