Trendlyne provides access to the public portfolios of superstar investors like Rakesh Jhunjhunwala (RARE Enterprises), Radhakishan Damani, Ashish Kacholia, Sunil Singhania, Mohnish Pabrai, and Vijay Kishanlal Kedia, updated quarterly, based on shareholding data filed with exchanges.
Superstar investors are known for holding large stakes (above 5% of voting shares) in publicly listed companies.
The value of their public portfolios changes with newly reported investments in publicly listed companies made directly or through investing firms. You can track these portfolio changes over various quarters.
A complete list of all superstar investors is available, with insights into their investment strategies and holdings. Click on an investor’s name to view their portfolio details. The list also includes their preferred sectors.
Let’s take Rakesh Jhunjhunwala's portfolio, for example:
To get notified of changes in Rakesh Jhunjhunwala's public portfolio, add a Superstar Alert. You can choose to receive alerts daily or weekly.
Trendlyne also provides information on institutional investors like the ICICI Group, Vanguard Fund, and Malabar Investment. It shows their top holdings, recent purchases, and sales.
Foreign institutional investors’ holdings are also available under Superstar shareholders (FIIs), including the Government of Singapore, Government Pension Fund Global, Vanguard Fund, and many more.