The frequency of alerts for Superstars, Daily Deals, and Insider Trades are as below:
Bulk Block Deals: Triggered at the end of the day.
Shareholding Updates: Updated every 3 months but released throughout the day. Data reported is as of the end of the quarter.
Insider and Significant Trades: Reported to the exchange throughout the day.
When superstars execute transactions in these categories, alerts are sent hourly or daily, based on the user's chosen frequency.
You can review your alert configuration from here.
1. Superstar Alerts
Mode of Delivery: Email (Hourly, End of Day, Weekly)
2. Deals Alerts
Mode of Delivery: Email, with Links available for the last few days on the website and mobile app
3. Insider Trading & SAST Alerts
Mode of Delivery: Email, with Links available for the last few days on the website and mobile app
Note: Historical data for past transactions is available here: