Trendlyne subscription

How can I apply discounts on Trendlyne’s website and mobile app?
TABLE OF CONTENTS On the website:  On the Mobile App: Discount codes are applicable only on the website and Android app, not on iOS, due to Apple...
Fri, 9 Feb, 2024 at 4:29 PM
How can I cancel my subscription on Trendlyne?
Can I get a refund: The subscription amount cannot be refunded. You can view our cancellation policy here. Can we get a free trial: We do not offe...
Wed, 24 Jul, 2024 at 12:25 PM
How can I cancel my Trendlyne subscription if I subscribed via Apple ID?
If you subscribed to Trendlyne through the Apple App Store, please note that Apple does not give apps like Trendlyne any control over subscription cancel...
Wed, 14 Aug, 2024 at 3:57 PM